Neurokindred brainflower Logo Neurokindred®

Counselling and Peer Support for Thriving Autistically

Our Services

“It was Autism all along. I was not broken, I was not damaged, I was just different. I had been born different... And now after a long crawl back to life, I am reconnecting to those lost parts of myself, reaching out for their streaming apron strings in a delightful chase... A race I cannot lose really, because it's me and she and they and parts of me - they can gleefully run and hide as we play this delicious game of rediscovery. And I am ok just as I am, with all of my weirdness. I am reunited with that young part of myself who has been exiled for so long. I owe her nothing but my undying devotion to make up for all the years I shut her away"

The Neurokindred therapeutic journey is for those in the post identification space, reflecting on what happens next and what could have been.

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We are privileged to be able to provide support in the ‘what now?’ post-identified space of new self-exploration and understandings, reframing of ‘life narratives’, grief and trauma work, re-connection and acceptance of self, integration, compassion, reorientation, celebration and embracing Autistic ways of being.

As seen in: